Friday, December 7, 2007

We must unite to oppose our recording in schools

The process of recording of a teacher in a classroom is the violation of MRTP (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices) and IPR (Intellectuals' Property Right) acts. No any doctor,lawyer ,actor,singer etc allows anybody to record his skill,the way of arguments,appeals in court, the method of surgery, then how we can allow anybody to record the style of our teaching!Every teacher is unique with his own developed skills and it is his bonafide patent.When we got appointment, there was no any agreement of recording the materials taught by us. We were taught in the B.Ed. course that we must erase the blackboard before leaving the classroom.
Then this move to install camera to judge our skills and teaching is totally un-democratic and violation of the present MRTP and IPR acts as well as the CCS rules also.
Come with us,we will approach to the court against it.

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